Hello again!
Thank you for visiting shop. We so appreciate you.
In May 2017, Etsy.com made unreasonble, privacy-invasive demands on homemade sellers. When we refused, our shop was placed “on vacation.”
It has now been nine months since then, and Etsy.com has not corrected any of those issues. So, we have begun to remove all links to our former shop at Etsy.com.
With over 100 pages to edit, this editing-process is going to take some time to remove all those links from our pages.
In the meantime, you might encounter some of our pages that still have those links. Please ignore all links here to Etsy.com. We apologize for any inconvenience.
To order any of our products, we ask you to to please use the Shopping Cart on that page.
Again, thank you so much for your patience and your support.